SKIPPYSKY CUSTOMISED MAPS Hello, If you desire a customised SkippySky map covering a small (or larger) area, then I can generally create these and have them online for you within 1-2 days, assuming I'm not away on holidays or somesuch. Now that's for areas where I already download the GFS data, which is most of the Northern Hemisphere up to 70N. In the Southern Hemipshere, being mostly ocean, I only download land areas as necessary, which is normally just the Australian continent. If your customised map requires me to download extra data, then that may take an extra day or two to sort out. And the cost to you will have to increase to cover the extra burden on my bandwidth quota and wear 'n' tear on my poor PC. If you're interested, please email me at (remove the "_nospam_" , obviously...), and we can discuss dollar values. Regards, Andrew Cool Adelaide, South Australia